1. Our commitment to your privacy

Maspion Australia Pty Ltd (“Maspion”, “we”, “us” or “our”) respects your privacy. Maspion takes its privacy obligations very seriously and wishes to ensure you that your personal information is dealt with in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act and this privacy policy.

2. Our company

Maspion is a company which carries on businesses in Australia under various trading names.
Some of our Australian business units and subsidiaries have separate policies that are consistent with our policy. If you are a customer of these business units or subsidiaries, please refer to their respective policies.

3. Acknowledgements

We acknowledge that we must take reasonable steps when handling personal information, and we will endeavour to follow this policy on each occasion, and have taken reasonable steps to comply with the APP’s and the Act,

some examples are noted below.

1. Implementation of this privacy policy.
2. Staff training and education (including internal procedures for our staff).
3. Clear and transparent procedures regarding handling of complaints and
disclosure of information.

4. How we will collect and hold your personal information

Personal information

For the purposes of the Act and this policy, “personal information” means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.
Whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we collect personal information about you directly from you. In some cases, your personal information may be provided to us by third parties such as business associates or agents. If you are asked to provide information about others it is your responsibility to ensure that you have their consent or are otherwise entitled to provide this information to us.
We may also collect personal information that we request from you regarding your use of our services or that we collect automatically from your visits to our websites.
It is your responsibility to provide us with current and accurate personal information so that we can provide our services to you.

Some examples of personal information that we might collect include:

1. your legal name;
2. your business and trading names;
3. the name and title of the individual who represents your organisation or access
our websites on your behalf;
4. the email address of that individual and the organisation;
5. the website address and the domain type of your organisation;
6. the telephone numbers, facsimile, postal and street addresses of the organisation information disclosed about your organisation in the enquiry or message submitted, including information we might be able to infer from the
context such as sectoral, employment, turnover, geographical, and size issues;
7. the subject matter of the enquiry or message;
8. your browsing history on our website; and
9. records of your communications and other interactions with us.

5. Use of information

We collect, hold and use your personal information to enable us to use your details to contact you and to reply to any queries or requests in relation to your account and in relation to the supply to you of our goods and services.
We use your personal information in the administration of your account, which includes us contacting you in order to update your account details (this assists us with keeping our records as up to date as possible) or in order to notify you of changes or improvements to our products or services that may affect our service to you. We may disclose your personal information to administrators who assist in the administration of your account from time to time.
We use your personal information in order to supply our goods and services to you
and to meet our contractual obligations to you.

Direct marketing

You consent to us directly marketing our products and service offerings to you. You may withdraw your consent and opt out at any time by making a request (by email) to us not to receive direct marketing communications from us or any company we may approve.
We restrict the disclosure of an individual’s details to only those organisations and individuals that we feel you would reasonably expect to receive direct marketing material from. Third parties to which we provide personal information will only use it for the purposes for which it is collected or otherwise as permitted by law.

You consent to us providing personal information about you to:

1. commercial companies that have genuine and relevant product or service to inform you of, and to whom you would reasonably expect us to disclose information as part of our service offering to you;
2. organisations involved in distribution or administration for and on behalf of us or related bodies corporate; and
3. as otherwise permitted or required by law.

6. Disclosure of information


We will endeavour to only use and disclose personal information for the primary purposes noted above in relation to the functions or activities of our company. Subject to our confidentiality obligations, we may disclose your personal information with anyone that you have given us permission to, any person acting on your behalf or a person or MML partner who may have introduced you to us. We may disclose your personal information to third parties to assist us in providing our services. Your information will be disclosed to third parties on a confidential basis and only if that disclosure is necessary to provide you with our services. We may use and disclose your personal information for other purposes than you have consented to.